Jen Storer is an award-winning, commercially successful and critically acclaimed Australian Children’s Author. As Director and Chief Inspirationalist at, she is also a big-hearted businesswoman who mentors, nurtures and guides creative souls from all over the world. Jen LOVES what she does, believes in working to her strengths and is always looking for new and inspired ways to help others. She lives with her beloved in a divinely pretty Central Victorian town.
Creating e-courses that nurture, inspire and educate is my passion and I'm always adding to this library!
I know how hard it is to keep the faith. I know how isolating and confusing it can be. Writing and illustrating books for kids is not all unicorns and talking sharks!
Best of all, I'll help you bust through your doubts and fears, trust your magical muse and get on with CREATING!
eCourses with Jen Storer.
Yes, of course! While it's super duper fantastic to go through with the group, you can also buy the course, receive all the modules at the same time as everyone else, but do the course work later when you're ready. Just store the course modules on your computer. Computer says YES!
You have access for 12 months from time of purchase.
I can't imagine how you wouldn't enjoy this course and get heaps out of it! #keeplearning
You betcha!! I'll help you get laser focussed! You might even find you have a hidden talent for KidLit!
Just flick us an email: [email protected] . We LOVE helping our people!
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